Happy Purrthday Knightly

Happy Purrthday Handsome Boy!!
You are 8 years old today. You are the first cat that I have had on my own and introduced me to the joys of living with cats. You have mellowed as you have gotten older and I love that you have started sitting in my lap and like to be petted now. I don't know what I would do without my Mr. Knightly.
Happy Purrthday Knightly!!

Mom's bed
Mom's bed is best when it hasn't been made up. It's also unusual for Firenze and Knightly to be sleeping this close together.

It's even better when there are clothes on it.

PS. We have updated our links - please let us know if you want to be added!
Lizzie: This is just not funny, Mom.

And it wasn't funny the second time either.

Knightly: Oh, I don't know. The red looks good with your fur.
We got a package today and Mom says that Max's books are in there. She didn't even tell us that she had ordered them. She said that she wanted it to be a surprise and it was! They look great! Mom even says that our names are in the red book - there's a page where Max dedicated the book to all of his blogging friends and our names are there! Thanks Max - that's just too cool and you are the reason that many of us cool cats started blogging. Mom says that she will start reading the books to us tonight. The book on the right was written by Max's Woman and it's for our Mom. She says that she'll start reading it this weekend.
We were going to post some pictures but blogger is doing funny stuff so we will have to post them later.
She's back!!
Mom is home!!!! And, boy are we glad. Mom knew we would be happy to see her, but we were incredibly happy when she showed up since we hadn't eaten the entire time she was gone.
Yes, you read that correctly. We didn't eat for over 2 weeks.
There was a ,er, miscommunication between her and the petsitter. Luckily for us, Mom didn't put the lid down on the toilet so that we could still get water. She was very upset when she got home on Sun night and first thing on Monday, she took us to the evil vet to be checked out. We didn't get to see Dr Beth but we saw Dr Phil. He took blood from all of us and we are just fine considering. We all lost weight and Mom says we needed it, but this was not the way she wanted it done.
Finn & Buddy, we want y'all to move here soon so that then next time Mom goes out of town, your Mom can come visit us!
Onto other news, Mom said that she tooks lots of pictures of really big cats for us. They look really cool and some of the boys even have big furry manes! Some of the others have spots and are long and skinny. She saw lions, cheetahs, and leopards while she was there. Firenze asked if she saw tigers too, but Mom says that they are on a different continent. Mom said that she got some cat porn too, but we don't know what this is and she was laughing when she said it so we are suspicious. We will have her start posting some pictures and we will start with the lioness below. ~~Knightly