Nap-a-thon Report
Thank you Patches & Mittens for hosting the First Annual Napathon! We had a great time. It was great to meet all of our blogging friends. Mom took pictures of us napping and she didn't even know that we were gone! We really pulled one over on our human. The best was finally being able to try stinky goodness. We are going to work on brainwashing our Mom to get us some. We'll let you know how it goes.
~ Knightly 
No food....
You think you have your Mom trained, and she forgets what she's supposed to do.
We watched the food bin get really low all week. Did she get any food on her way home from work? No. Saturday morning, she feeds us, barely. Not enough food left to give a cat a meal. Saturday during the day, she runs around doing all kinds of "er runds", and even brings home human food, which she won't let us have. Saturday night comes around and she says "Are you hungry?" These are trigger words that let us know it's dinner time. All three of us come running and Mom goes into the pantry.
And comes out empty-handed.
She finally remembers that we need food. Now, she did leave immediately to get us food (Mom: thankfully, there is a Petco only 2 miles away). However, you don't tease cats like that! That was mean! Maybe we need to sell her like Kukka and Brach are doing with their Mom. How much are Moms worth anyway?
Lizzie & Firenze
Knightly: Notice she didn't run out of my food.
Lizzie: But she still didn't feed you until after she got home with our food.
Mom: I confess, I forgot. I had to wait until I got paid on Friday anyway. There is plenty of food now.
Firenze: Mum, we'll forgive you this time, but don't let it happen again!
Don't forget to purray for Crystal who had a to make an emergency trip to the vet. She has kidney failure and they put an IV in her and a catheter (yuck!).
Boxes are the Bestest!

I love boxes! ~Firenze
PS. Thank you all for the birthday wishes! ~ Lizzie
Happy Birthday Lizzie!

Happy Birthday to my beautiful girl!
You are 6 years old and it seems like yesterday when I adopted you from the Shelby County humane Shelter in Alabama. You were and still are such a sweet, loving girl who likes to chew on my hair when it's wet. You're the only one who lets me rub your soft, furry belly.

You are a wonderful cat and sister to Knightly and Firenze.
Happy Birthday Beautfiul Lizzie!
I can do it too.
Derby, Mia, and Patches can all touch their noses with their tongues. I had Mom go through the pictures and find one of me doing it too. She looked to see if there were any of the girls, but hasn't found one yet. I know they can do it, but there's no proof at the moment.
Guarding the bed....
We claim the bed! It's ours and you can't have it. Notice that we have strategically placed ourselves along the edge of the bed. This is our favorite bed as it is placed next to the best window.

And this is my sleeping box. Mom, you are not allowed to send the computer to be recycled as I have claimed the box too. I am even nice enough to share it with my sisters on occasion.
The Invisible Kitty
No one can see me here.....

I am completely invisible....

Darn it...I was found!

PS. We added more friends - please let us know if you want to be added to our links!